Anthocyanins are a group of water-soluble pigments that confer the blue, purple, and red color to many fruits and vegetables!! ?
The blue, indigo, and violet list of fruits and vegetables are great for their anti-aging properties. These foods have tons of antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins and phenolics. Some blue and purple fruits and vegetables are also really high in vitamin C.
? Red fruits and vegetables like cherries, cranberries, strawberries, apples, raspberries, pomegranate , redpeppers, red onions have Anthocyanins. They have been studied extensively for their protective effects in many chronic diseases: They reduce damage from free radicals in your body and it also prevents heart disease, cancer, prostate problems, and reduces the skin damage from the sun. Red fruits and vegetables help memory function, urinary tract health, and keep your heart healthy.
? The blue, indigo, and violet list of fruits and vegetables such as blue potatoes, eggplants, purple grapes, blueberries, purple cabbage, plum, are great for their anti-aging properties. These foods have tons of antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins and phenolics. Some blue and purple fruits and vegetables are also really high in vitamin C.
Anything in this category will help improve circulation and prevent blood clots, so they are great for the heart and can help prevent heart disease. They are also known to help memory function and urinary tract health and to reduce free radical damage.
Type 2 Diabetes✨ In a clinical trial of people with diabetes, those receiving anthocyanins had decreased insulin resistance, meaning they were more sensitive to the hormone and required less supplemental insulin than the controls.
Blood Pressure, there was acute reduction in blood pressure following consumption of anthocyanin rich cherry juice